Nearly 1 in 3 men after 40 years experience erection problems from time to time, and this affects nearly 1 in 2 men after 60 years. Effective treatments can help these men with erectile dysfunction, but it is essential to treat the medical cause beforehand (high blood pressure, diabetes for example…).
Erection troubles: what is it?
During an erection, the penis becomes rigid because it fills with blood. Indeed, under the effect of stimulation, the muscles of the base of the penis relax and let the blood enter what is called the cavernous body: these are two cylinders that run the entire length of the penis. These cavernous bodies are formed of a flexible but very resistant shell allowing them to recover and become very rigid: it is the erection.
But unfortunately, many causes can stop this mechanism. This is called erectile dysfunction, the definition of which is a lasting decrease in the quality of erections, that is to say, an inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to have a satisfactory sexual relationship. However, even in cases of erectile dysfunction, it is possible to feel desire, have an orgasm and ejaculate.
We talk about erection problems only:
- When erection problems last for more than 3 months.
- When they repeat each sex.
Indeed, we must differentiate these disorders from a possible temporary failure: this phenomenon is quite commonplace, it should not be considered a disorder.
Erection problems can occur at any age, but they are much more common from 50 years old. Several million men suffer from erection problems with 1 to 9% of people affected between 18 and 39 years, up to 30% from 40 to 59 years, 40% from 60 to 69 years and 50 to 75% of people over 70 years old. The occurrence of erectile dysfunction is also more common among smokers, people who drink alcohol and / or overweight people.
The management of these disorders is very insufficient. While it may be intimidating to discuss this issue during a consultation, physicians are used to discussing this subject, as erectile dysfunction is a very common reason for consultation.
What is the difference between erectile dysfunction, priapism and premature ejaculation?
Priapism is not an erection disorder: it is a painful erection that lasts for more than two hours and occurs outside of any sexual stimulation and does not result in ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a sperm emission occurring at the very beginning of penetration, or even before it. Like erectile dysfunction, these dysfunctions are considered to disturb the sex life.
To better understand the causes of erectile dysfunction, remember that erection takes place in several stages and depends on several parameters:
- Sexual arousal related to the psychological state and hormonal mechanisms that influence the libido.
- Sexual desire: Stimulation is transmitted from the brain to the penis via the nervous system.
- The influx of blood into the penis if the nervous system and blood work well which allows the erection.
- The erection can also be spontaneous (without any stimulation) when it occurs at night, in connection with paradoxical sleep cycles or in the morning when waking up.
Erectile dysfunction: what are the causes?
It is often very difficult to determine a single cause of erectile dysfunction because there are usually three main causes:
- A physical affection.
- Psychological problems.
- Taking certain medications.
Physical factors
Some of the main physical factors that cause erectile dysfunction include:
- Abnormalities involving blood vessels caused by high blood pressure (40% of erectile dysfunction), diabetes, high cholesterol levels and tobacco.
- The atheroma plaques that deposit on the walls of the arteries irrigating the penis can cause narrowing of the arteries and then prevent the blood from circulating properly to achieve a real erection.
- Overweight and obesity.
- Abnormalities related to the nervous system (and thus the proper functioning) of nerves such as: Alcoholism, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, stroke or spinal cord injury.
- Kidney failure: 40% of men with kidney failure have erectile dysfunction.
- Hormonal abnormalities: Too low male hormone levels.
- Secondary abnormalities related to traumatic causes: Fracture of the pelvis associated with trauma of the urethra, spinal cord injuries but also perineal microtrauma, particularly among professional cyclists, are all reasons for a dysfunction.
These disorders of erection having a physical origin concern especially men over 50 years. These dysfunctions are generally progressive onset over several years and not suddenly.
Surgery related to prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in men and the most commonly performed procedure. Total prostatectomy usually results in a (temporary) disappearance of erections. Surgeons very often perform a large ablation to avoid leaving cancerous tissue and as the erector nerves are very close to the prostate, they are often damaged. When possible, these nerves are left in place, which allows finding erections in less than 1 year but in general, it is not uncommon for it to take two years to find an erection quality satisfactory.
Other surgeries?
Bladder surgery, rectal surgery and abdominal vascular surgery are also usually causes of erectile dysfunction.
Tobacco, alcohol, drugs?
Most men with erectile dysfunction are or have been smokers. Indeed, smoking aggravates hypertension and deposition of atheroma plaques, while promoting venous leakage, that is to say, an inability of the veins of the penis to retain blood.
Alcohol, although it can initially be used as a disinhibitor, has a very harmful effect on the control of erection since it is responsible for a drop in testosterone. The same effect is noted for drugs, especially for cannabis.
Psychological problems
The psychological problems are rather found in the men under 40 years and they generally occur brutally unlike the physical problems but they can be associated with them and thus increase even more erectile dysfunction.
These psychological problems include:
- Stress and anxiety.
- The fear of not being successful, to disappoint his partner.
- The social and media pressure is strong, imposing on men (as on women !!) to be effective in all areas and especially in that of sexuality: it is the main psychological cause of erectile dysfunction.
- The Depression.
- Relationship problems: great timidity, inhibition.
- A complicated sexual identity and / or repressed homosexuality.
- Difficulties encountered in previous relationships and / or history of trauma or sexual violence
- The decline of desire one of the two partners in a worn couple that “does not work anymore”.
How to determine the origin of erectile dysfunction:
- If no erection is possible or the loss of erections has been progressive, the disorders are probably related to a physical condition.
- When erections still occur spontaneously at night, in the morning or during masturbation, the problems are often of psychological origin.
Drug causes
A number of drugs are known to cause erectile dysfunction including drugs prescribed as part of the treatment:
- Hypertension,
- Anxiety,
- Diabetes,
- Epileptic seizures,
- Gastric ulcers.
Finally, make the difference between treating pathology and the need to have a satisfying sex life.
It is essential to treat the medical cause beforehand (high blood pressure, diabetes for example…). Talking with his partner can sometimes help to unblock the situation. On the other hand, this one can succeed to reassure and convince his partner to consult. His presence is also often recommended during a consultation.
If erectile dysfunction continues for more than 3 months, do not wait and talk to your doctor. There are indeed effective medications that can treat erectile dysfunction. Be careful, however, because the management of erectile dysfunction should not be limited to the prescription of a drug. The consultation should allow addressing the psychological dimension posed by the sexual breakdown. Delivering only a drug without establishing a dialogue with the victim is likely to fail.
These medications prevent phophodiesterase, the protein responsible for erectile dysfunction from acting, by relaxing the smooth muscle of the cavernous body and increasing the blood supply, thus making an erection effective. Three molecules, vardenafil, tadalafil, and sildenafil, may be proposed. These drugs have no effect on sexual desire. It is therefore necessary to have sexual arousal to get the erection. The drug does not replace the desire and will not cause any erection if the man has no desire.
These medications can be taken at the same time as food, but it is advisable to avoid rich and well “watered” meals. It is also recommended not to use them more than once a day, and not to take this type of product less than 2 hours before traveling by car Before starting medication, the doctor should check that there is no cardio-vascular abnormality.
Cialis (Tadalafil)
Tadalafil (Cialis) can be taken more than 24 hours before intercourse, which provides nearly a day’s effectiveness. Taking a tablet 24 hours before allows considering with less stress the future sexual intercourse. Side effects are mostly nausea, rhinitis, facial flushing, headache, hot flashes and vision problems.
Make sure that Cialis is right for you
A lot of men choose Cialis because of its long-lasting influence. Before you can start the treatment, you should talk to a medical professional, which is something that can be done online. If you are interested in Cialis, you should make sure that you don’t have any contraindications and remember about precautions. An online medical advisor can provide you with all the necessary information.
Affordable generic Cialis is available
Just like generic Levitra and Viagra, generic Cialis costs a lot less and allows you to save a significant sum on medications. It is possible to purchase a pill of generic Cialis 20 mg at around $19 while a single pill of branded Cialis costs a lot more – around $74 per pill.
These drugs are formally contraindicated in patients who may take a nitrate derivative prescribed for the prevention of heart disease; this drug aggravates the hypotensive effect of these products and can be dangerous and cause a drop in blood pressure. These treatments are also not indicated for women or adolescents less than 18 years of age. Do not take a “poppers” euphoric substance that contains amyl nitrite and is widely used in night circles. Your doctor will explain other side effects, contraindications and interactions with other medicines.
Levitra (Vardenafil)
Vardenafil (Levitra) should be taken between 25 minutes and 60 minutes before sexual intercourse, depending on the product. This compound has an action 25 minutes after its administration and acts for 4 to 5 hours.
How can you purchase Vardenafil?
You can buy Vardenafil directly from the online store and it will be delivered to the destination of your choice. It is also possible to visit the pharmacy offline and purchase the drug if you live in the area.
Is it possible to get an online consultation?
Telemedicine becomes more popular each day and erectile dysfunction is one of those problems that you can discuss with your doctor online. If you are unsure whether you should take Vardenafil or want to get more information about this drug, you can easily arrange an online consultation with a medical specialist.
How much do you save on generic Levitra?
Generic drugs offer an opportunity to save a lot of money on drugs. When it comes to Levitra, this branded drug costs at least $650 for ten tablets containing 10 mg of the active ingredient. The average price of generic Levitra for ten 10-mg tablets is around $400 to $450, which is significantly less compared to the branded version.
Viagra (Sildenafil)
Sildenafil (Viagra), after consultation with the physician, should be taken 25 minutes and 60 minutes before intercourse according to the package leaflet. Viagra works 25 minutes after administration, for about 4 to 5 hours.
Can you get Viagra online and offline?
If you live not far from the store, you can purchase generic Viagra with ease. Online ordering and delivery are also available. On the site, you can choose the correct dosage of Viagra (25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, or higher), a number of packages, and provide your address where you want the drug to be shipped.
Consult a medical specialist to get more details
Having a consultation with a medical professional is essential before you can start taking Viagra. You can easily talk to a medical advisor online and provide them with essential information. This includes any drugs that you take, your state of health, symptoms, age, and such. Based on these details, a doctor will be able to choose the correct dosage of Viagra and explain how you should take it.
Generic vs branded Viagra: price differences
The difference in prices between branded and generic Viagra is astounding, so it’s no surprise that men choose generic pills. The average price per pill of branded Viagra 50 mg in the United States is around $67, which means that the package of 30 costs around $2,010. According by Bay Center, on the other hand, costs only about 45 cents for one pill and thus just around $13.50 for 30 pills.
Erectile dysfunction may be minimal, episodic or persist for several months. Erectile dysfunction may manifest as an inability to get an erection, an inability to enter the partner, difficulty in maintaining a rigid and stable erection during intercourse with, for some men or a rapid interruption of erection after penetrating his partner and failing to ejaculate.
It is important not to confuse erectile dysfunction and lack of desire. In the case of erectile dysfunction, the subject experiences a sexual desire that he can not satisfy because of a lack of erection. Most of the time, this problem is a factor of shame in the person who suffers it. It is therefore important to promote dialogue with the couple or with a health specialist in order to play down the situation. Erectile dysfunction can be more or less serious depending on its frequency. If it is a question of some episodic disorder, other men suffer permanently.
The HES is a tool to measure the rigidity and quality of an erection. It also makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the medicinal treatment.
The score is then evaluated on a scale of 1 to 4:
- Absence of erection;
- The penis is rigid enough but does not allow penetration;
- The penis is rigid and allows obtaining a penetration of average quality;
- The rigidity of the penis is complete, meaning the absence of erectile dysfunction.